




Screen Filter Oil Pumpwillimontiert

For Honda CBX 1000
 Construction Year: 1979 - 1982
You need 1 Piece / Motor




29,90 €

Honda CBX six cylinder (all models)

 for carburetor ventilation
2 Pieces for the Carburetor Battery

bm00201 HON-002-01 11,90 €
Honda CBX six cylinder (all models)

Sealing gasket
 for primary chain tensioner
2 Pieces / Motor
bm00202 HON-003-01 3,40 €

Honda models with Keihin carburetors

Sealing plugs
 for idle jet
- petrol resistant
CBX: 6 Pieces for the Carburetor Battery ( not for Pro Link SC 06 )

bm00301 HON-004-01 3,00 €
Honda CBX six cylinder (models with CB 1 E engine)Assembled by Willi and Ralf

Shock damper elements
 for clutch
6 or 9 Pieces depending on the Version ( not for Pro Link )
bm00400 HON-005-01 4,30 €
Honda CBX six cylinder (CB 1 and Pro Link models)

Profile gasket
 for chain pinion cover
1 Piece / Motor
bm00500 HON-006-01 8,40 €
Honda CBX six cylinder

Sealing plug
 for foot brake lever
1 Piece / Bike
bm00600 HON-007-01 3,15 €
Honda Bol d'Or

Shock damper elements
 for clutch
You need 7 Pieces
bm00700 HON-008-01 4,80 €
Honda CBX six cylinder

 - throttle linkage
4 Pieces for the Carburetor Battery
bm00800 HON-009-01 3,95 €
Honda CBX six cylinder

 for choke shaft / carburetor
4 Pieces for the Carburetor Battery
bm00901 HON-010-01 3,95 €
Honda CBX six cylinder

Oil funnel tube
 made of rubber, for inserting or screwing

"designed for CBX"
1 Piece for Travels

bm01000 HON-011-01 8,80 €
Honda CBX six cylinder (all models)

 for carburetor ventilation
2 Pieces for the Carburetor Battery
bmw011 HON-012-01 1,80 €
Elastomer- shock absorber elements / primary drive
(Set of 12 Pcs)

For Honda GL 1000 "Gold Wing"
 Construction Year: 1974 - 1980
bmw012 HON-013-01 56,40 €